Ethno Tribal Smudge Incense
Traditional Arruda Rue smudging is used for protection, purification and to unlock or opening paths. Smudge Arruda Rue to clean home, and increase vibrations to attract prosperity and good luck. Burnt for ritual purification and invigorate the mind and body when tired.
Acts like a protective shield from negative influences and letting energy flow.
The Dolphin

Dolphins have a special place in legends, myth and folklore.
They are a symbol of protection and resurrection.
The symbolism represent Harmony and Balance, Peace and Protection, Playfulness and Joy Inner Strength and Cooperation
A Smudging Prayer
I call upon and invoke the protective energies of the universe.
Let no harm come to me.
Let me be free from all pains and rise above fears.
Grant this upon thee.
So mote it be!
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